まずはなんとなんと可愛いCMガール有村架純、頬を摘みたいぞ!明らかに、「思い出のマーニー」に主演しました後で、その成功だから芸能事務所「フラーム」によってもっと映画やテレビドラマに主演するって招かされた、しかしマーニーの声優になった前にすでにみんな良く知っている若い人気者、2010年にデビューしたありそうなのです。なんと忙しい日本女優の一つですね、2021年映画「花束みたいな恋をした」のために日本アカデミー賞の最優秀主演女優賞を受賞しました。忙しい日本女優といえば、毎年テイラー・スウィフトの大ファン永野芽郁が主演したの映画またはテレビドラマを観たんだよ、こんな時に永野芽郁はどこにでもいる!毎年新しいことをしている、例えば、お父さんと一緒に大学へ行っている(「親バカ青春白書」)、警察官になっている(「ハコヅメ ~たたかう!交番女子~」)、教育的なアプリを作っているの社会を始めている(「ユニコーンに乗って」)、何年も前に火事が起こったの謎を解けている間に有名な人気者の家政婦になっている(「御手洗家、炎上する」)、それとも花火を見ている間に五感を無くしている(「君が心をくれたから」)、でも主演したの約二つの映画のように怒らせるはだめ!
インターネットのみんなが大好きの写真だからRev. from DVLのメンバーだった間に橋本環奈は今驚異です、たくさんの映画やテレビドラマやコマーシャルに主演した、有村架純と永野芽郁ができないありそうなでも橋本環奈の自身の方法で個性とパブリックイメージを育っている、スクリーンに色々な感情や変な顔を表現するできると。国際的になったも、2017年東京国際映画祭に参加した、そして私がこれを書いている間に、イギリスのロンドン・コロシアムにジョン・ケアードが演出舞台「千と千尋の神隠し」ためもう一度千尋として主演している!その上に、動物が大好きだね;信じたくないか?橋本環奈を質問してくれ、それとも「警視庁いこもの係」を観てください!
ええと、あの美人片山萌美がいる、テレビよりむしろ映画のための女優になるの方がいいの小松菜奈も、もう一人の美人水原希子とネットフリックスからレズロマンスリラー映画「彼女」で一緒に主演したのさとうほなみも、まさかホントのレズビアン佐久間由衣とレズロマンドラマ映画「君は永遠にそいつらより若い」で一緒に主演したの奈緒や、もう二人の元のbump.yメンバーたち松山メアリともっと成功したでも高月彩良ほど成功したじゃないの桜庭ななみも。そして、漫画のテレビドラマ化「今日から俺は!!」で助演したの清野菜名と若月佑美(橋本環奈と一緒に)、永野芽郁と二つのテレビドラマにとても可愛い今田美桜と歌っている双子上白石萌音と上白石萌歌、歌っているといえばドラえもん映画の主題歌を歌ったの青山テルマと柴咲コウを忘れないでね(もちろん趣里とドラマーシシドカフカを除いて)!サヘルローズとシャーロット・ケイト・フォックスは日本エンターテインメントにもっと多様性と包括性を要るのもっと二つの例え。風吹ジュンと白都真理や桃井かおりが日本アートシアターギルド映画に主演した、間に前田敦子と今退職したの渡辺麻友や島崎遥香は元のAKB48メンバーたち、そして明日海りおと七海ひろきは元の宝塚歌劇団のメンバーたち。NHK朝ドラの主演女優たち清原果耶や杉咲花と葵わかながいる、そしていつも受賞したの安藤サクラも(アラ、有村架純も永野芽郁も広瀬すずもなるほど)!それらのNHK朝ドラに助演したの伊藤沙莉、藤野涼子、松本穂香、と和久井映見を含むでしょう、実際はそれらの四つの女優たちは同じNHK朝ドラ「ひよっこ」に助演した!素敵な出口夏希と森七菜は是枝裕和のネットフリックスドラマ「舞妓さんちのまかないさん」に蒔田彩珠も現われた、三石琴乃はのもちろんセーラームーンの声優間に北川景子は武内直子の大人気漫画のテレビドラマ化からセーラーマーズ役があった。安藤サクラといえば浜辺美波とアカデミー賞を受賞したの「ゴジラ-1.0(マイナスワン)」に一緒助演があった。恒松佑里は永野芽郁のようにテイラー・スウィフトファンだ;演技だけじゃないでも「Ribbon」はのん自身の監督と脚本作品だから業績だ!ネットフリックスドラマ「今際の国のアリス」から土屋太鳳、三吉彩花、朝比奈彩、そして現在に伊原六花と悪役としてテレビドラマ「肝臓を奪われた妻」に主演の水崎綾女がいる!松たか子の有名な主役はディズニーアニメ映画「アンナと雪の女王」からエルサの声優だ!他の有名人たちは夏木マリ、長澤まさみ、綾瀬はるか(「Mr.インクレディブル」の他にジブリのように他のアニメ声役はどうダイ?)、池田エライザ、馬場ふみか 小芝風花、古川琴音、菅原小春、松本まりか、そしてついに戸田恵梨香を含む。最後に、松嶋菜々子、吉田羊、小雪、松本若菜、そしてホラン千秋と前に漫画だったと思ったのテレビドラマ「コタツがない家」に主役があるの小池栄子は中年女性たちでもスクリーンに演技と魅力はまだ並びない、それは私が好き!
When it comes to watching Japanese television dramas, I feel like the only reason I ever tune in to these kinds of shows is to look out for my favorite actresses on the screen. It’s kind of the same as a woman watching a Takarazuka Revue Company show not for the story, but just because of the presence of their favorite actor on stage, gazing at and fawning over them as if they were the main attraction even if they aren’t. I can spot any actress that I like on these Japanese television dramas and find them attractive to the point where I overlook how useful they are to the story, whether they are in the lead role, supporting role, or minor, and think to myself that’s the reason why I even continue to watch (but it’s not like the stories don’t matter, because I’m sure they still do). I can name or remember the faces of plenty of Japanese actresses that I have been familiar with over the years, based on the numerous amounts of Japanese movies and television shows that I have watched, and there’s always new faces to look out for due to so many new movies and shows on the horizon. As a result, my knowledge of these Japanese actresses may still be developing, but still interesting to delve into so that I can see how much I really know. What wins me over on a Japanese actress whenever I watch these television dramas is their appeal and beauty, their acting (whether superior or subpar), and how much their on-screen presence provides whatever contribution to the show they are supposed to give out to make more people want to keep their eyes glued to their TVs. Even with the amount of Japanese actresses that I am familiar with, the chances of me dating any of them ought to be an absolute zero; In fact, they say it is unwise to never try to date a celebrity, because if a break-up happens, no one would possibly care! In addition, and let me make this extremely clear right now, just because I know a lot of Japanese actresses doesn’t mean I’m like Moroboshi Ataru from Urusei Yatsura and I’m an absolute creep over them! All I’m going to do is provide this fair warning: If you’re going to have any sexual thoughts about them, please, for the love of God, keep them to yourself! Blurt those sexual thoughts about Japanese actresses out loud and you’re considered a most-hated person for life, if not just a sick pervert!
Perhaps my love for Japanese actresses is one of the results of me possessing feminist viewpoints, in terms of women having the ability to be whatever they want to be (just like Barbie dolls) and doing whatever it is that they desire, and not simply be subjected to men or considered weak and frail and sensitive and the like, or in certain cases, annoying or entitled. The portrayal of women in entertainment media puts all of that to the test, to see if how women shown in movies and TV shows is an over-exaggeration or accurate to how women are seen in real-life, and it clearly varies depending on the movie or TV show, or how about including more female directors and writers if you really want to see some progress going (Jessica Chastain even advocated for such during the Cannes Film Festival in 2017)?! I mean, so much has definitely changed since the beginning of time when storytelling first became a concept at all, even during the time when motion pictures were first invented! Sometimes, women are portrayed to be independent thinkers and intelligent enough to make even the toughest decisions. Sometimes, women can be badass, muscular, and mighty, as if they’re the kind of people you don’t want to mess with, strong enough to make men drop their jaws in awe. Sometimes, women are extremely hilarious and tell the best jokes, or are simply featured for the sake of comic relief. Other times, they’re cute, adorable, beautiful, sexy, and everything else in the middle, and even though judging women simply by their looks isn’t exactly the most ideal thing, we all admit we can’t resist some eye candy here and there! The remainder of the time, they’re lesbians. In the entertainment medium, women can provide a variety of emotions depending on the situation they’re going through in the story, and it can be easy for us to sympathize with them and understand how such characters feel deep inside without resisting the urge of seeing them do so adorably. Women portrayed in entertainment can be seen as likable and providing a positive outlook on how they should be treated in the real world, or they can be seen as hated, like the kinds of characters kids would boo and jeer at during a tokusatsu character show.
If you believe all of what I have said here so far should be the same for men, you’re obviously not wrong; After all, we still have a long way to go before we can actually achieve real gender equality. Though, I have a strange fear of how much men have too heavily dominated the entertainment industry for more than a century, specifically in this case with the amount of movies and TV shows about men more than women, and how men view women only based on their image of them. I believe that having more of an abundance of female directors and writers could change that kind of patriarchal thinking a little bit, but you gotta agree to disagree at some point in time; There are always going to be people who aren’t forward-thinkers! My point is this: As much as I don’t mind at all how women in made-in-Japan entertainment media are portrayed unless it gets to the point where it’s too stereotypical and becomes an issue (like so many other entertainment media from around the world), the fact that a majority of such entertainment media is still made by men ought to be a cause for concern and a more better reason for continuous calls for improvement. Want an example? How many Studio Ghibli films are directed by women, even though women are portrayed a lot more positively in those films? You tell me. Okay, trying real hard to determine if that was a good example, but still! I think I’m familiar with a handful of female Japanese directors and/or writers, yet it’s clear that in this day and age, the amount should be a lot more, and who knows if this could make Japanese storytelling featuring women so much better than before!... Or maybe I’ve been rambling too much throughout these past two paragraphs and only using this as an excuse to blurt out on the spot how much I truly support women, I suppose… No, really! I’ve even had to say “We need more” or “There needs to be more” a couple of times so far as I write this! I just simply cannot wait for the day when I don’t have any defense over not keeping my word on these things!
Anyway, enough about that! Since we’re still talking about Japanese actresses, Arimura Kasumi, Nagano Mei, Hashimoto Kanna, and Hirose Suzu are prime examples of those that I have seen the most often, while Takatsuki Sara remains one of my all-time favorites! In fact, I owe it to Arimura Kasumi and Takatsuki Sara voicing characters together for the 2014 Studio Ghibli film When Marnie Was There, otherwise I wouldn’t be writing this right now! While Arimura, Nagano, Hashimoto, and Hirose have all received numerous amounts of recognition for their acting roles, I still think Takatsuki deserves a lot more attention than she should, due to the fact that she’s had few lead roles throughout her acting career but a large array of supporting/minor roles.
Let’s start with Arimura Kasumi, the sweetest of them all, star of numerous commercials, and whose cheeks everyone wants to pinch! It should be obvious to me that she must be building off of her success appearing in When Marnie Was There by being asked by her talent agency, FLaMme, to appear in more movies and TV shows, yet it should be worth noting that before providing the voice of the titular Studio Ghibli character, Arimura was already a well-known star, having first made her mark as far back as 2010. She won the Japan Academy Prize for Best Actress for her performance in the 2021 film Hanabata Mitai na Koi wo Shita, furthering her status as a prolific Japanese actress, if not as prolific as, say, Nagano Mei, and believe me, there hasn’t been a single consecutive year when I haven’t seen this Swiftie in anything, because at this point in time, Nagano’s basically all over the place! Almost every year, I always end up seeing her doing something new, whether it be going to college with her dad (Oyabaka Seishun Hakusho), becoming a police officer (Hakozume ~Kōban Joshi no Gyakushū~), starting a business operating an educational app (Unicorn ni Notte), becoming a housekeeper for a famous celebrity while uncovering the mystery of a housefire that occurred years ago (Mitarai-ke Enjō Suru), or watching fireworks while slowly losing her five senses (Kimi ga Kokoro wo Kureta kara), but don’t piss her off like what’s already happened in at least two films!
A viral photo taken of now-former idol Hashimoto Kanna during her time at Rev. from DVL caused her to become a phenomenon in her own right, becoming busy appearing in a bunch of stuff, building up her personality and public image in the process in a way that Arimura and Nagano assumingly can’t, able to express wide varieties of emotions and funny faces each time she shows up on screen. She’s also one of few Japanese actresses to go international, having participated in the 2017 Tokyo International Film Festival, and, as of this writing, reprising her role as Chihiro in John Caird’s stage play adaptation of Miyazaki Hayao’s Academy Award-winning Spirited Away now making its way to the London Coliseum in the UK! Not to mention, she seems to be a lover of animals; Don’t believe me? Either ask her or watch Keishichō Ikimono Gakari!
In 2021, Hashimoto appeared as a supporting character (and, spoiler alert, eventual antagonist) in the TV drama Nemesis alongside main star Hirose Suzu, whose somewhat massive impact on the Japanese entertainment industry at her age – as much as the other Japanese actresses I have talked about so far – has yet to be matched, evident in her becoming nominated for or winning numerous awards for her film appearances, probably more than the already-mentioned three! Speaking of film appearances, one of her film appearances I really enjoyed was Ichido Shinde Mita, where she plays a rebellious death metal singer detesting her research scientist father for forcing her to become like him, but ends up coping when she suddenly sees him “dead” and has to find a way to somehow bring him back to life (An interesting character shift, in my opinion, from portraying a simple farm girl turned animator in Natsuzora); There’s a whole story behind how this father “died” which involves some sort of pharmacy competition, though you’d have to watch the film for an explanation because, to be honest with you, as with almost everything I watch, I’ve only found time to see this film once (The theme song’s great, however)! Surely Hirose’s done more fashion modeling than even Arimura Kasumi; One of the ways I could tell was that she is currently an ambassador for Louis Vuitton, even showing up in Paris, France for such particular occasion. There’s one thing I’m interested in double-checking however: Which of the two has made the most appearances in fashion magazines in Japan – Hirose Suzu or Nagano Mei (including at least one time they’ve appeared together)? On a side note, Suzu’s sister, Hirose Alice, pretty much equals her in the amount of impact she has brought to Japanese entertainment with her own wide variety of movie and TV show appearances, with Dousuru Ieyasu being one recent example (Oh, that’s right, I wanted to mention Arimura Kasumi also has a sister, doesn’t she?)!
Perhaps a Japanese actress that I really love the most happens to be my first celebrity crush: Takatsuki Sara, former member of bump.y, known to be a swimmer causing me to imagine what would’ve happen if she were a professional athlete instead, guitarist who should be releasing an album by now, and much taller than Arimura, Nagano, Hashimoto, and Hirose combined, though not as tall as, say, Katayama Moemi or Sakuma Yui, but we’ll get to those two later. A year before bump.y first formed as a girl group along with four other members back in 2009 (bump.y eventually disbanded in 2014), Takatsuki got her start as a teen actor and has honed her acting abilities ever since, even if she still hasn’t been able to pack a popularity punch in order to catch up with the likes of the four actresses I already talked about (and I wonder why; I mean, look at her! Who couldn’t possibly resist a tomboyish-like woman so beautiful that, heaven knows, she could’ve actually been a secret member of the Takarazuka Revue Company for all I know or something like that?! Not convinced? Pay attention to her appearance in Myūbu ~Himitsu no Utazono~ and prove to me she doesn’t look like any of the legendary all-female theatre troupe’s top stars!). Starting at just 10-11 years old, you would think she developed her acting at some sort of after-school acting program at her school, though researching on that would have no meaning since it’s none of our business; Even taking a look at her Wikipedia page would be nearly pointless! All we know is that she was scouted by the Sweet Power talent agency, and that’s that. Takatsuki’s resume includes a bunch of TV series appearances including her time at Skatto Japan on Fuji TV, a massive array of stage theatre productions, some modeling on the side, and obviously reaching international attention when she voiced Sasaki Anna in Studio Ghibli’s When Marnie Was There, which is a good thing since Takatsuki is known to be a fan of Ghibli films like I am. It would be great if I remembered why I first fell in love with Takatsuki Sara in the first place to the point where I once even wrote a song about her: Was it because of fate causing us to connect with one another? Was it because I thought she was the most loveliest woman I have ever seen in my life? Oh well, she’s better off finding a date on her own; She doesn’t deserve me!
There is a huge variety of other Japanese actresses that I have had the absolute fortune to come across (and say to myself that I will most likely never be able to go out with; In fact, some of them are already married or have boyfriends, or are maybe even homosexual) that I can only provide a quick rundown of whomever I can be able to name off the top of my head. Before I begin, I am going to state this one more time: Just because I know so many famous Japanese women doesn’t mean I’m an absolute creep over them and would want to use them all to my selfish advantage; If you have sexual thoughts about them, then fine, whatever, Article 21 of the Japanese Constitution does guarantee freedom of speech, but just keep quiet about it so that other women won’t look at you and think you’ve got something suspicious going on!
Let’s see now, there’s Katayama Moemi (an absolute diva, she is; love her so much), Komatsu Nana (who pretty much prefers to be a film actress than one for TV), Mizuhara Kiko (a true stunner, even with her Korean-American roots) and Satō Honami who both starred in the lesbian romantic thriller film Kanojo (AKA Ride or Die), Sakuma Yui (whom I believe is a lesbian at heart) and Nao who both starred in the lesbian romantic drama film Kimi wa Eien ni Soitsura Yori Wakai, Matsuyama Meari and Sakuraba Nanami (two other members of the now-disbanded bump.y, the latter having more success, though not as much as Takatsuki Sara). There’s also Seino Nana and Wakatsuki Yumi (both stars of the TV drama adaptation of the Kyō Kara Ore Wa!! manga alongside Hashimoto Kanna), the very lovely Imada Mio (who has appeared with Nagano Mei in at least two TV dramas), and singing twins Kamishiraishi Mone and Moka (the latter going by the pseudonym “Adieu”), and speaking of singers, let’s not forget to mention Aoyama Teruma and Shibasaki Kō, both of whom performed songs for Doraemon movies (except for Shuri and drummer Shishido Kavka of course)! Iran-born Sahel Rosa and USA-born Charlotte Kate Fox provide two other examples of the need for more inclusion and diversity in Japanese entertainment. Fubuki Jun, Shirato Mari, and Momoi Kaori are best known for appearing in Art Theatre Guild Japan films, while Maeda Atsuko, the now completely-retired Watanabe Mayu, and Shimazaki Haruka are former AKB48 members, as much as Asumi Rio and Nanami Hiroki are former Takarazuka Revue Company members. What do Kiyohara Kaya, Sugisaki Hana, and Aoi Wakana have in common? They were all lead stars of NHK morning dramas, as well as well-known award-winning actress Andō Sakura (Hey, so were three of the first four actresses I mentioned in this essay)! Known for supporting roles in those NHK morning dramas include Itō Sairi, Fujino Ryōko, Matsumoto Honoka, and Wakui Emi (in fact, all four of them appeared on the same show, Hiyokko). The equally adorable Deguchi Natsuki and Mori Nana both appeared together in a Netflix series brought to us by Kore-eda Hirokazu called Maiko-san Chi no Makanai-san along with Makita Aju, Mitsuishi Kotono is best known as the voice of Sailor Moon while Kitagawa “Sailor Mars” Keiko starred in the beloved magical shojo manga series’ live-action TV adaptation. Speaking of Andō Sakura, she along with Hamabe Minami were supporting actors for the Academy-Award winning Godzilla Minus One, Tsunematsu Yuri is clearly yet another Swiftie, and the fact that Non wrote, directed, and starred in her own movie, Ribbon, is a true accomplishment! We also must add in stars of the Netflix series Imawa No Kuni No Alice (AKA Alice in Borderland) Tsuchiya Tao, Miyoshi Ayaka, Asahina Aya, and Misaki Ayame (currently playing a nemesis of the lead character of Kanzo wo Ubawareta Tsuma played by Ihara Rikka)! There’s also Matsu Takako, in which one of her most well-recognized roles is the Japanese dubbing voice of Elsa in Disney’s Frozen, phenomenons Natsuki Mari, Nagasawa Masami and Ayase Haruka (if only Ayase was the voice of a Studio Ghibli character…!), plus the likes of Ikeda Eliza, Baba Fumika, Koshiba Fūka, Furukawa Kotone, Sugawara Koharu, and Matsumoto Marika and Toda Erika, all of whom are just as incredible in their own ways. Finally, Matsushima Nanako, Yoshida Yō, Koyuki, Matsumoto Wakana, and Koike Eiko (who starred in a recent TV drama alongside Horan Chiaki called Kotatsu ga Nai Ie, which I thought was based on a manga of sorts) may all be middle-aged women, but they’re still capable of providing something special to offer to the screen in terms of performance and appeal, and that’s just what I love about them; Who needs to consider retiring to start a family!
There’s still a lot more Japanese actresses out there that I’m desperately trying hard to come up with any more I can think of, if only I’d have seen more appearances of them so that I can remember them… Wait, what?! What do you mean we’re out of time?!? I wanted to make sure I didn’t forget anyone else!
Oh, that’s right, there’s also Yasuda Narumi!