ある音楽を聴いてれば心と頭の中にいつも大切にしたい;実際は人生の残りのためにそんな音楽だけを聴きたいの方を好むだから「もう嫌だ」って考えるはないとそんな音楽を数回聴いていることはしょうがない!たくさんの他の音楽は速い新幹線のように、そして人の耳や脳はトンネル、それで音楽が通り抜けるの意味は少なくともその音楽を聴いたんでももっといいより本当に楽しむため感動は強いのか?その音楽はつまらないとバカって言うそんなことはない(そうでなければその音楽を聴いてないだろうな)、だけどもう一度聴きたいならばもっと面白いのか?消極的になっていないでも私が信じるは人々はある音楽で他の音楽より興味がある、そしてそれはいいです;同じになることだけのために幾分かの音楽を好むで説得していることは必要はない、そして一人は全音楽の大ファンになるできることはまさか、しかしそれはそうならばその人はいったい誰でしょうかな~!最後に、ある覚えやすい音楽について考えているやめたいでも無理だ、頭の中に時間がない時にイヤーワームが脳の上に踊る間に他のことについて考えていることや調停または内なる平和があっているは無駄な。もしもホントに静かなところにヨガをしている間に頭に中に全部静かさの代わりにCreepy Nutsの曲「Bling-Bang-Bang-Born」を聞いたら、思考は破られたと今眼を閉じてあのアニメのオープニングからそのマッシュルのダンスを思い描く!とにかく、私の音楽を聴いているの経験を説明するためこの段落を書いた。クラシック音楽が好き、ジャズが好き、ポップミュージックも好き、それらの他の音楽も、相互関係がある、でもJ-POPの特に私が大好き!
反対を信じればそれでも他のポップミュージックよりもっとJ-POPを聴くは当たり前でしょうね、これは日本じゃありませんか?!誰でもJ-POPアーティストで大切な記憶がある、そんなアーティストの名前を覚えてる限り。ええと、例えばBUMP OF CHICKEN、手嶌葵、宇多田ヒカル、きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅ、BABYMETAL、米津玄師、あいみょん、LiSA、上白石萌音、新しい学校のリーダーズ、ゆず、石川さゆり、そしてそれらは二つ以上の曲を聴いたのアーティストだけじゃないについて考えるできる私は!その上に岩崎宏美、Vaundy、あの、福山雅治、大杉久美子と堀江美都子と山本正之のようにアニソン歌手たちと、YOASOBIの「アイドル」、Reolの「第六感」、Foorinの「パプリカ」、そして美波の「カワキヲアメク」のように素晴らしい歌や、ZARDの「君がいない」、華原朋美の「I Believe」、相川七瀬の「恋心」、浜崎あゆみの「Evolution」、そして特に中尾ミエの「可愛いベイビー」カバーのように懐かしい歌も!それはこのリストの終わりじゃないけどそこにすべてのアーティストはなんと面白い、だが、心の中に私の人生で重大な影響についてはどうやって日本からポップミュージックについて考える方法も私の二つのもっと大好きなJ-POPアーティストはPerfumeとAdo、Adoと、毎日私がポップミュージックを聴くの方法が変わってしまった。
私のようにすでにあ~ちゃんとのっちとかしゆかについて知ってる?三人女性の出身地は広島県、2000年に作られた、中田ヤスタカの援助と日本に大人気になったと、なんとかわいいペットたちがある、美しい顔と髪だから象徴的な、テクノ・エレクトロ・ポップに革命を起こした、ダンスは上手、かっこいい服を着る、そしてなんとなんとすごいな楽しい曲を歌う、ファンキービートとかわいいボーカルだから。私の大好きなPerfume曲のいくつかのは「レーザービーム」、「Cling Cling」、「Party Maker」、そして「FLASH」と「ポリゴンウェイヴ」を忘れないでね!中田ヤスタカの影響だから誰でもPerfumeファンになるできる、中田ヤスタカはプロデューサーとして誰でもきゃりーぱみゅぱみゅファンになるできるも、中田ヤスタカも他のアーティストのプロデューサーだからそれらのアーティストたちも人気だ!とにかく、Perfumeはたくさんの全国と世界ツアーがあった(2019年にコーチェラの初J-POPアーティストパフォーマンスは業績でした)、近頃ファッション服とメーキャップを含むPerfume Closetのプロジェクトを作った、目的はPerfumeのファンたちがPerfumeのようになりたい。メーキャップといえばなぜPerfumeって?日本語の漢字「香」はあ~ちゃん(西脇綾香)とかしゆか(樫野有香)の本当の名前に見つけるできる、でものっち(大本彩乃)は違う;のっちの前にもう一人の元のメンバーかわゆか(河島佑香)も「香」がある、Perfumeは作られたの初めにかわゆかがスケジュールが合わないことから去った。何といってもこの「香」の状況はもう重要じゃない、それでPerfumeが続けた。
私の意見に、Perfumeの三人メンバーは異なる:くせ毛とポニーテールとあ~ちゃんは元気いっぱいの人ありそうなのね、フリンジとかしゆかは工芸が好きなのもっとやさしい人ありそうなのね(誕生日はクリスマスイブの前に、それで12月23日にかしゆかクリスマスという祝日を作りましょう)、ボブカットやのっちはすべての男性たちがテーとしたいのセクシー女性のようにありそうなのね。実際は、あ~ちゃんとのっちとかしゆかはもっともっと人気になるために彼氏を探しているって誰が考えているの?!もしかしてそれらの三人女性たちは実は...レズビアンたち?!?それはまさか!終わりに臨んで、それらの三人女性たちの見かけとふるまいは違うでも「Music is everything」って同じ信念を同意する、そして私も同意する。Perfumeは同じメンバーたちと日本の最も長く続いているガールグループです、東京の街にある人がPerfumeについて知らないって認めていることは不可能じゃないのカイ?!私が仮定するは今から日本のみんなはJ-POPが大好きならばPerfumeについて知ってるなければならないのね!Perfumeよりもっともっともっと人気の続くのガールグループがいるけど日本のポップミュージックの世界にPerfumeの影響はまだ強いです;もしもそれらの三人女性たちが...いいえ、悪運をもたらしたくないんだけどわかるはこんなことが起こったらその日本のポップミュージックの世界に時が止めるだろうな。
Perfumeは心で感動ことならばAdoは心を破ること。PerfumeがLove the worldってならばAdoがUnravelling the world。Perfumeは魅力があるとAdoは燃えている声ってある。どちらも初めに知らないけど後でもっと人々がファンになった、最後に私のように日本と他の世界の部分のみんなの大切にする大好きなJ-POPアーティストの二つになったPerfumeとAdoは、インターネットやラジオまたは買っていたCDとテレビで観るによって聴いている。数年間でPerfumeは人気者たちの間にAdoは四年間だけですでに人気者になっていた。PerfumeはJ-POPの重大な瞬間ならばAdoは次だ。あ~ちゃんとのっちとかしゆかがすでにTikTokにAdoの曲「唱」からゾンビ・デ・ダンスをしただからPerfumeとAdoのコラボはホントに素晴らしそうでもPerfumeの色々なダンスとAdoの色々な声域を含めて違うなミュージックスタイルとそんなことは不可能ですね;確実にPerfumeとNiziUのコラボは十分だ、AdoとLE SSERAFIMも(次のコラボシングルはいつだろうかな...)、しかし少なくともPerfumeとAdoはK-POPが大好き!いつもいつまでもあ~ちゃんとのっちとかしゆかを崇拝したよ、間に宿命によってAdoについて知っていた、それらのラジオ番組があったの二つのJ-POPアーティストをとても聞いたんだからうれしいです!J-POPについて考える時に誰でもアーティストについても考えるだが、PerfumeとAdoの特に絶対大事にするよ、この随筆のすべての言ったの言葉のために。ここにえこひいきは偏見だ、PerfumeよりもっとAdoについてもう書いたのそれでも、けどそれらの二つのアーティストはない特にえこひいきがいればきっと忘れないでしょうな、その代わりに、未来にまたPerfumeとAdoを聴く時に私が言うだろうなは「あっ、これは懐かしい!前にその時にずっとそんな曲聴いたんだ、大好きだったのミュージックアーティストだ!あ~ちゃんとのっちとかしゆかとAdoが今何でしょうかな...」って、その未来に言うんだろう。私のJ-POP経験はもう前のように同じはない、いつも続けているのテクノポップ三人女性たちともっと注目を必要とするのなんとなんと最強な歌い手や、そしてそれを鑑賞する。自分の歌詞を書きの時はいつ?
There are certain kinds of music that you listen to in life that you wish you would remember in your heart and mind forever; In fact, you can’t help but listen to that kind of music several thousand times without ever getting tired of it because that’s the only kind of music you would rather listen to for the rest of your life. Loads of other kinds of music out there act like a fast-moving shinkansen moving through a tunnel in-and-out without a moment’s notice, as if the music were the shinkansen, and your ears and brain were the tunnel, with the music passing through them in an inconsequential matter in which you at least listened to the music, but it doesn’t invoke much of a strong feeling to make the listening experience and enjoyment of that music more than just okay, decent, or so-so, not to say that the music is boring and pathetic (Otherwise, you wouldn’t be listening to it at all), but it just doesn’t seem more interesting enough to give it a second listen. I don’t mean any of that in a very negative sense of the word, but I’m just saying that some types of music can peak the interests of people more than others, and that’s fine; No one has to convince others to love a certain type of music that they do simply to think alike, and not one person can be a huge fan of all the music genres of the world, but if that was the case, I’d be interested to know who’s the biggest music nerd ever to exist in order to make that justification! Finally, there are some kinds of music that are just far too catchy that you’d wish you could stop thinking about it but you can’t, and it would continue to mentally bother you every time you try to think of something else or need a period of meditation or inner peace yet never would thanks to that somewhat annoying earworm doing some sort of viral dance in your mind at the most inappropriate time. Imagine trying to do yoga in a quiet environment while emptying your mind of all of the thoughts in your head, but you hear Creepy Nuts’ Bling-Bang-Bang-Born instead, and it ruins your train of thought instantly and it causes you to envision that random Mashle dance during the anime’s opening title sequence as you close your eyes! The point is, I have used everything I have just said in this paragraph to describe my listening experiences to various types of music, from classical music to jazz to popular music and everything in between, and they all correlate in a way. The same could not be said any better for JPOP, or Japanese popular music.
It’s no surprise that I’ve listened to more JPOP versus any other type of popular music even if I truly believe otherwise – After all, this is Japan we’re talking about here. Any JPOP music artist I can think of, I have fond memories of songs I have listened to from them, that is if I can name the music artist. Let’s see: There’s BUMP OF CHICKEN, Aoi Teshima, Utada Hikaru, Kyary Pamyu Pamyu, BABYMETAL, Yonezu Kenshi, Aimyon, LiSA, Mone Kamishiraishi, Atarashii Gakko!, Yuzu, Ishikawa Sayuri, and those are just some of the ones that I’ve listened to more than one or two songs from that I can think of right now! There’s also Iwasaki Hiromi, Vaundy, Ano, Fukuyama Masaharu, plus Anison singers including Ōsugi Kumiko, Horie Mitsuko, and Yamamoto Masayuki, and let’s not forget some great tunes like Yoasobi’s Idol, Reol’s THE SIXTH SENSE, Foorin’s Paprika, and Minami’s Kawaki wo Ameku (Crying for Rain), not to mention bits of nostalgia from ZARD (i.e. Kimi ga Inai), Tomomi Kahara (I Believe), Aikawa Nanase (Koigokoro), Hamasaki Ayumi (Evolution), and most especially Nakao Mie’s famous rendition of Kawaii Baby (AKA Pretty Little Baby)! Although all of whom I’ve just listed here are great (and I’m just getting started), deep down, I think none have brought a more massive impact on the way I think about Japanese popular music than Perfume and Ado, the latter of which would change the way I hear popular music forever.
By now, if you’re like me, you’re probably already familiar with who A-Chan, Nocchi, and Kashiyuka are, other than the fact that they were all born in Hiroshima, formed as a trio in 2000, became immensely popular in Japan with Nakata Yasutaka’s help, own really cute pets, are household names and are extremely iconic thanks to their very lovely faces and hairstyles, contributed to revolutionizing the techno electropop music genre, can dance really well, wear some spunky outfits, and are responsible for singing some of the coolest, most fun-filled songs I have ever heard, with such like Laser Beam, Cling Cling, and Party Maker, and let’s not forget about Flash and Polygon Wave, all of which considered to be my favorites from the group in part due to funky beats and really cute vocals. We owe Nakata Yasutaka a lot of debt as to how Perfume became what it is known for today, as well as the fact he was producer of a variety of music sensations including Kyary Pamyu Pamyu, allowing all of them to make their way onto stardom. Anyway, Perfume has obviously been on several national and world tours (even becoming the first JPOP act to perform at Coachella in 2019), and have nowadays initiated the Perfume line of clothing and makeup so that fans can imitate their sense of beauty and fashion. Speaking of makeup, why name the group “Perfume,” you may ask? The Japanese kanji for fragrance (香), or “ka,” can be found at the end syllables of the first names of A-Chan and Kashiyuka’s real names (Ayaka and Yuka respectively), but Nocchi (Ayano) is a different case; Before she came along, another former member named Yuka Kawashima also had a 香 in her end syllable of her first name, but she left the group in their much earlier days due to various schedule conflicts, and even though Nocchi’s arrival broke the 香cycle, it didn’t really matter much, and the group remained what it is.
Each of the three members of Perfume are distinct, at least in my interpretation of them: A-Chan with the curly hair and ponytail seems like a very peppy and energetic person, Kashiyuka with the bangs appears like a calmer and more gentle crafty type (and whose birthday is the day before Christmas Eve, therefore she deserves to have a holiday named after her), and Nocchi with the bobcut looks like the kind of “sexy girl” type every man would be swooning over to want to date! In fact, I can’t see how anyone could possibly think that the three women are looking for boyfriends at this time just to boost their popularity, or what if they’re actually a throuple and all three of the members actually romantically love each other…? Nah! The point is that even though they look and act different from each other, there’s no mistake that they all unite to agree in the same belief that “Music is everything,” and I couldn’t agree more. Perfume is one of the longest running Japanese girl groups with the exact same members, it’s hard not to run across someone on the busy streets of Tokyo only for them to admit they’re not familiar with the group at all; I even assumed everyone in Japan who loves JPOP music knows what Perfume is at this point in time! There may be various other girl groups like them that may have succeeded them in terms of popularity, but nonetheless, you’ve got to pave way for its influence on the Japanese popular music industry, because for them to suddenly announce they would… Actually, I’m not going to jinx it, but just know that everything would be put to a standstill if it happened!
For many years, Perfume has been my all-time favorite music artist overall, and I’d collect as many opportunities as I could to listen to their music countless times and couldn’t imagine listening to anything else… That was until Ado came along.
Ado’s true identity is shrouded in mystery; There’s almost not a single actual photo of her face anywhere! Some people have tried to uncover the mystery with various results, but that’s what’s make this all the more interesting: We may never get to know who Ado really is, probably never will, but that nonetheless is not at all significant, because it’s her singing voice which is all she needs for people to recognize who she is. In Noh Theatre, there is the concept of Kyōgen, which consists of the main actor, the shite, and the supporting actor, the ado. To put all of that into this particular context, the Kyōgen can symbolize the various songwriters, composers, and producers who have helped made Ado’s songs possible (yes, even Nakata Yasutaka), the shite is the jamming instrumental music itself, and the ado is perhaps the singer who responds to that music, with some of the most monstrous, notorious, surreal, and insane array of vocal ranges ever heard by any single person on heaven or on Earth, in which every single music artist, vocalist, or vocal coach of any kind need to be studying! One of the derivatives of Ado is Adomou which means “to lead,” and “lead” she has; Due to Ado being a total vocaloid nerd (Idolizing and collaborating with Hatsune Miku on several occasions), she made vocaloid music popular again, and is one of the many rising JPOP stars to take the genre to the next generation. Starting off at a very young age becoming fascinated with music technology on a handheld video game system in which people don’t have to show their faces, she made her singing voice became known to the public first on Niconico in 2017 then on YouTube a year later, being an utaite performing endless song covers and early collaborations that were enough for her to attract attention and result in her performing her major debut single Usseewa in October 2020 as she uses her vocals to lash out at the failures of modern Japanese society and its effects on her generation. Ever since then, Ado has come out with song after song, from originals to cover songs, never seeming to disappoint on most if not all occasions. Let me just say that I cannot possibly be a true Ado diehard, because that title belongs to someone else. Some of her songs are okay, but others I really enjoy because it’s not just Ado trying to fit in with every other JPOP music artist, wanting to accomplish something that makes her stand out from the crowd. In fact, Usseewa, Odo, and Show remain some of my favorite original Ado songs, no wait, actually, some of my favorite songs of all time. As for her numerous cover songs she does, well, um, you see, it’s difficult for me to explain without going nuts just because I simply love Ado so much that it’s mentally destroying me…
To tell you the truth, as much as I don’t mind Ado doing cover songs like so many other music artists out there, maybe that’s a good thing, in terms of using cover songs for Ado to practice her vocals so that they could sound just right to her, and over the years, it appeared to have worked; After all, she is an utaite! Four of the absolute best songs I have heard in my life are Ado covers (vocaloid songs Kamippoi na and Aishite Aishite Aishite, and JPOP hits Crime and Punishment and Unravel), and if you listen to them closely and make comparisons to the original versions, you’ll understand why. So much emotion, raw energy, tenacity, and craziness that Ado’s voice has brought onto her versions of these songs is what makes them even more powerful and impactful than the originals in so many ways than one, especially if you hear live performances of these songs (except for Kamippoi na, which we’re still waiting for, by the way), with Ado’s live performance of her Unravel cover during her Mars tour concert at the Nippon Budokan being four minutes of my entire life I will never forget. In fact, while we’re on that subject, I guess it’s okay to say that I pretty much prefer live versions of Ado’s songs than the studio versions, because with plenty of space to work with rather than being confined to a tiny indoor studio like her closet, that is where she reveals her true colors, that is where she really shines best, and that is where her vocal ranges are put to the ultimate test as she lets out her frustrations, honesty, and soul to any non-faint-hearted person willing to listen, all while being enclosed silhouetted in a box-covered cage that helps her remain true to her anonymity. It’s easy to imagine how much Miss Tends-To-Cringe-At-Her-Own-Live-Performances-Due-To-A-Somewhat-Lack-Of-Confidence can sing just about anything, turn that cover into a viral hit, perform that very song on stage and provide a psychological knockout performance each time, driving the audience crazy and/or moving them to tears in the process, and you’d be right in that assumption depending on the song; I guess any song out there can be more phenomenal with Ado on the vocals, right?! Name a song, any song, and imagine Ado covering that song the same way she has with every other song she has sung, and the result is your imagination definitely running wild!
If Perfume can win your heart, Ado crushes it into tiny pieces. As Perfume loves the world, Ado unravels it. While Perfume has brought the charm, Ado has brought the fire. Both started out small, then turned big, and now they’re loved, adored, and cherished by many people in Japan and around the world willing to do anything to be up close to them, including me, after all of the times listening to their music online or on the radio, buying physical copies of their CDs, even watching them on TV. Though Perfume may be at the later stage of their prime (no offense), Ado is just getting started in her prime. If Perfume was a defining chapter in JPOP, Ado was the next. A collaboration between Perfume and Ado would be really cool (A-Chan, Nocchi, and Kashiyuka have done Ado’s Zombie de Dance from her Show music video on TikTok previously), but because of their different music styles, I doubt it, as the former is known for their attractive dancing, while the latter blows everyone away once they start singing; Surely, Perfume is better off with NiziU while Ado and LE SSERAFIM ought to collaborate on another single sometime, but hey, at least Perfume and Ado love KPOP! I’ve become familiar with A-Chan, Nocchi, and Kashiyuka for many years, while fate caused me to run across Ado, and the fact I know about these two JPOP acts with former radio shows at all should be considered a blessing for me. I can think of just about any other music artist anytime I think of the word JPOP, but Perfume and Ado will personally forever remain precious for every reason that has been said in this essay. To say that I love one over the other would be considered absolute bias, even though I admit I’ve written more about Ado than Perfume so far, but even if I did that, in terms of favoring one music artist over another or favoring a different music artist that isn’t those two, it’s not like I’m going to forget them forever, and instead should be treated as a way for me to look back in the future and say “Hey, I remember this! I used to listen to them so much during that time, and I loved them so dearly! I wonder what they’re doing right now…” And that’s exactly what I ought to do! My overall JPOP experience would not be the same without the longest running technopop trio ever to exist and a phenomenal singer who deserves more attention that she deserves, and I highly appreciate them for that. You think they could start writing their own songs?